Vampires Vs. Zombies
The title will tempt you, but don't let it. Under no circumstances should you ever buy, rent, watch, or be left alone in the same room with the movie (and I use the term loosely) Vampires Vs. Zombies.
Here is the totally inaccurate description from Netflix.
Ligaya Allmer, Maratama Carlson and Melanie Crystal star in this bout to end all bouts, a face-off against two of the most evil supernatural forces: vampires fueled by bloodlust and zombies who've come back from the dead to prey on those who are still living. The two camps are bent on proving their superiority, so it's a race to the gory finish. Whoever wins will decide the future of the rest of the human race.
Where to start? I suppose the part about who appears in the movie is acurate, though I hesitate to say anyone "stars" in it. There is no face-off. No one is bent on proving their superiority, no race to the finish, and no deciding the future of the human race.
Here's a more accurate description from me.
Vampires Vs. Zombies is a very bad adaptation of Carmilla with a few zombies randomly inserted and an ending that makes no damn sense.
Seriously, if anyone ever tries to show you this movie, lay down and close your eyes until they go away.
For the first time ever I am giving a movie ZERO bloody crosses. That's 0 of 5. Nothing, zip, nada, ziltch, goose egg.
The dvd also has a short film on it by the same folks which is slightly better, but still not that good and certainly not worth polluting your home with the presence of the dvd.